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- Antiplagiat online - free text uniqueness check
Antiplagiat online - free text uniqueness check
How Does Plagiarism Checker Work
The Plagiarism Checker uses an online search algorithm to examine and compare your text with other written material, revealing URLs of webpages containing similar or identical content.
In addition, it determines basic text parameters: character, word, sentence count, estimated reading time, nausea level, water content level, and the use of stop words that do not affect the meaning of the text.
To start checking, paste your text into the designated tool field and run a check. If you want to exclude a specific domain from the check, add it below

What to do if the text did not pass the plagiarism check ?
A low uniqueness level indicates that there is some content that partially or completely matches yours. The website owners might have copied it from you. In this case, we advise you to contact them and request to remove the content or at least put a link to your website. If they refuse, you can lodge a complaint to the search engine. If the problem is in your text, make a more comprehensive rewrite:
In each sentence, answer a specific question;
Get rid of "water" and general phrases like "everyone knows that...";
If you write a specialized article, make good research or consult with experts in the particular field;
Use multiple sources if possible. This approach will help you to write high-quality texts that will get a high score in the Plagiarism Checker.

How to write texts that successfully pass the uniqueness check?
- Use multiple sources to write such texts.
- When possible, ask an expert in the relevant field to review your work
- Structure information in a clear and understandable manner.
- Don't pursue 100% uniqueness. It is more important to answer the readers' questions.
How to use the online Plagiarism Checker?
Paste your text into the toolbox and click "Check".
Review text uniqueness. Select websites to check for exact matches.
If you find your website in the list, get back to the main form and add it to the exceptions.
The checker will also provide text analysis, nausea level, "water" level, and a list of stop words.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which texts are considered good?
Good texts are those that have been revised well. It includes sentence reformulation, eliminating redundancy, explaining terminology, and adding examples. Such texts often marked well in terms of uniqueness.
Why check text for plagiarism?
Plagiarism checks are necessary to maintain content uniqueness and quality. Original content, both in structure and meaning, holds significance for search engines and readers. Also, with this tool, you can find out if someone copied your text or check the work of a copywriter.
How to bypass plagiarism detection?
To maintain text quality and avoid plagiarism detection, we recommend deep rephrasing based on your experience and knowledge. Use several information sources, combine and analyze them (with proper links to them). Use synonyms, unique sentence structures, and express your own views about the subject matter.