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Open Graph Generator

Our Open Graph Generator tool will help you create open graph meta tags for the website and get Featured Google Snippets.

Fill in the fields below to receive a ready-made code

Key Metadata

Page type
Choose the page type
Page image

Recommended size: 1200px x 630px; minimum: 600px x 315px

Permanent page URL

Additional Metadata

Site name

It will be displayed after the title.

The languages on the page
Facebook Page ID
Video on the page


Your generated code

<!-- Open Graph Generated: pr-cy.io -->

What is Open Graph, and where to use it?

Open Graph is a protocol that allows you to manage and control the data formed in the preview when you share it on social networks. The OG tag structures information about the page and is reflected when the user shares a link. We deal with several lines of meta tags that need to be embedded in the code of your site. Open graph meta tags will allow you to form the desired look for the post on social networks.

Open graph was firstly developed by Facebook but now is used by almost all social nets and messengers from Twitter to Viber.

How can Open Graph improve my SEO parameters?

OG tag builders help you create correct tags. But why will you need them?

We cannot overestimate the importance of OG tags for those using social networks as a source of promotion. First of all, tags for sharing attract new visitors to your source. People can repost your site pages, and OG tags will lead new readers to you.

Secondly, the right OG tag makes links more attractive – with a catchy title, bright picture of correct dimensions, etc.

OG tags control previews and support information sharing with other sources. And correct displaying of your materials with the right links and tags lifts you in indexing.


OG is based on meta tags. Their variety may be confusing; that’s why Open graph generators are recommended.

Our OG tag generator will provide you with micro-marking with the correct set of meta tags. The tool creates tags with meta tags analyzing algorithms. Each your piece of source will get its own og:URL (address), og:image (picture), og:title (title), and og:description (short description).

You don’t need to write tags manually or install any extra plugins and apps. The generator works online and takes minutes.