Website Price Calculator

Get An Price Estimate With Our Website Value Calculator.

What affects the price of a ready-made website

If you consider selling or buying a website, pay attention to the following:

  • Link mass - the quantity and quality of inbound links from authoritative websites.
  • The cost of the domain - the older the domain, the more expensive it is. Pay attention to the history of this domain and if it ever had web pages with a poor reputation.
  • Visibility of the website - how many pages are ranked for relevant keywords.
  • Number of pages in the index - the more pages the website has in the index, the more expensive it is.
  • Volume of traffic - if your website has a live audience, you can sell it at a better price.
  • Income from the website - if the project already brings money from the sale of links, advertising, and affiliate partners, you can sell it easier.

Calculate how much you can get from selling a working website with traffic and income.

How to calculate the value of a website based on its income

Here is a rough calculation:

(Average annual income - average annual expenses) x 2.

2 is the margin that you can change as you wish. For example, if you are sure that your website is prospective and will generate more income for the new owner, you can make it higher.

How to count revenues

Make a list of recurring and non-recurring incomes from your website. For example, recurring incomes are profits from affiliate programs, links, and ads. Non-recurring incomes are paid blog posts. Sum up the annual income and divide it by 12 to get the average amount.

How to count expenses

Make a table with the mandatory costs of maintaining the website: usually, it includes hosting and domain fees, widgets, call-tracking fees, and links to external resources. Don't forget to calculate staff salaries: support, moderators, editors, copywriters, and designers.

How to increase the value of the website

Optimize webpages

Conduct a technical analysis of the website to find and fix any errors that affect the accessibility of the pages for users and search bots. Check both homepage and internal pages.

Increase the website's visibility in the search engine

Check the relevance of the pages to the queries for which they are 'trained'. If necessary, replace irrelevant content and add media. Also, check pages for cannibalization.

Increase link mass

Analyze the quality of inbound links to your website and check how many of them are organic. Try to work on increasing the number of relevant links. Don't pay for them! There are a lot of free methods. We also recommend evaluating the link mass of your competitors' websites.