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Canonical Tag Checker

The tool is suitable for quickly finding out the canonical URL of a webpage. Enter the webpage address in the field, and our tool will determine if the webpage is canonical. Also, it will show the URL typed in the rel="canonical" tag on this webpage.

What is a canonical URL?

Usually, it is recommended to get rid of duplicate pages to prevent cannibalization. However, a webpage can have duplicates necessary for a website's functioning. For example, a catalog page may have duplicate pages when sorting and filtering products. The webpage without sorting and filters will be considered the main one, so-called canonical. Therefore, it will get into the search engine index.

How does canonical URL affect SEO?

Generally, search engines have a negative attitude about duplicate content. Canonical allows you to show the bot which of the similar URLs to prioritize. Using this tag will enable you to avoid penalties for duplicate content and pass the link weight and behavioral signals to the prioritized webpage version. So, it saves the crawling budget, i.e., it helps not to waste money on duplicates.

How to use rel="canonical" correctly?

Keep the main page untouched, and add the rel="canonical" attribute to the pages that duplicate it. In this attribute, you need to specify the URL of the canonical webpage to show the search bot, which webpage is a duplicate, and which should be added to the index.

For example, if your main page URL looks like this: site.ru/blog/category/tema, then you should add to all duplicates: <link rel="canonical" href="http://site.ru/blog/category/tema"/>

How to specify a canonical URL?

Keep the main page untouched, and add the rel="canonical" attribute to the pages that duplicate it. In this attribute, you need to specify the URL of the canonical webpage to show the search bot, which webpage is a duplicate, and which should be added to the index.

For example, if your main page URL looks like this: site.ru/blog/category/tema, then you should add to all duplicates: <link rel="canonical" href="http://site.ru/blog/category/tema"/>