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  3. Website through the eyes of a search robot

Website through the eyes of a search robot

Search engines see websites differently than regular users. The "Website through the eyes of a search robot" tool shows what search engines see.

Our service displays:

  • page code;
  • headers;
  • HTTP status code;
  • Server IP address and response code;
  • site encoding;
  • server;
  • internal and external links of the page, as well as the number of indexed.

Why check how the search engine robot sees the page?

  • Different users see different content. This may depend on whether the user is logged in, what region they are in, and what language is set in their browser settings.

  • Some webmasters intentionally show different content to users and search engines, this is called "masking". With the "Site as seen by a search engine" service, you can check if there is hidden content on the site.

  • The service will help you scrutinize your competitors' sites, quickly find headlines with the keywords they are promoting, and find out what technologies are used on their sites.