1. Tools
  2. /
  3. Website Down Checker
The tool checks the server headers, HTTP status, IP address, shows the decryption of the server response.

What are server HTTP headers?

The HTTP protocol is used to transfer data over the Internet. When the browser requests a resource, the server sends it a response, the headers of which contain information about the connection and site content.

The most common server response headers:

Server — server name.

Date — content generation date. The time of the server to which the request is sent is transmitted.

Content-Type — the format of transmitted content. This header is needed for the browser to recognize and display the information correctly.

Connection — indicates what to do with an open connection. Whether to close it immediately or leave it open for later use.

Query methods

There are three main methods for making requests to the server: GET, POST, and HEAD.

GET - used to request a representation of a resource. It is used to get HTML pages, CSS and JS files, images.

POST - used to send data to the server. For example, for submitting forms and uploading files. The POST request header fields indicate the content type.

HEAD - in this case, the server returns only headers and does not transmit content.

This is how the “Server Response Checker” tool work.

Enter the URL you want to check. You will see in the results:

  • domen;
  • IP;
  • HTTP status code;
  • table with server’s headers.