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Competitor check by queries

Search for pages that frequently appear in search results on Yandex or Google for your queries.
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How does it work?

The tool allows you to track the top frequently appearing URLs and domains in search results for specific queries. This helps identify your main competitors for your keywords and analyze their promotion and optimization strategies.

Benefits of the tool

  1. Competitor Analysis: Identify the main players in your niche. This will help you understand which sites consistently rank high and what methods they use to achieve this.
  2. Content Analysis: If you plan to write an article or create other content, you can gather data on why competitors are at the top. This may include analyzing keywords, content structure, quality, and quantity of external links.
  3. Competitive Environment Assessment: You can evaluate how competitive your niche is and understand what efforts are required for promotion. This includes understanding the optimization level of competitors' sites, their activity on social media, and other marketing channels.
  4. Marketing Strategy Development: Based on the information obtained, you can adjust your marketing strategies. This may include improving the SEO optimization of your site, creating higher quality content, and working on increasing the quantity and quality of external links.

The tool is an essential element for forming an effective search promotion strategy, allowing you to use competitor data to improve your site's rankings in search results.