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Updated 5 years ago

Domain score

  • 2 successful tests
  • No errors
  • No warnings

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Try the full version of PR-CY: find errors on internal pages and fix them with the help of the service's tips.

  • Overview of your overall SEO health
  • Comparison with competitors
  • Daily rank tracking
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Site-level parameters

Google Indexed
History data is found for this test!
Changes found in history for 4 months. First date: Dec 2013.


It is impossible to know how many pages Google correctly indexed on the site. The search engine does not maintain a database by URLs.

The approximate number of pages in the search results will be shown by the site operator, which we rely on. The number can be distorted by pages that are banned from indexing in robots.txt, but hit the search results because of external links to them.

The “Indexing Status” section in Google Search Console will show a slightly more correct number, but this data can also be distorted by the filters’ application.

Updated 08/21/2019 05:56
Enable monitoring to identify and fix technical errors, track metrics, and receive timely notifications about issues.
Monitor site indexing. A decrease in the number of indexed pages may indicate technical issues on the site.
Daily check your site for viruses and its status in the banned sites registry to prevent exclusion from search.


Sample data calculated based on information from the Alexa service

≈ 80 per day
≈ 321 per day
Consider attracting traffic from sources successfully used by your competitor but missing or underrepresented in your site.
Identify the most effective social platforms for your audience based on competitor data.
If the competitor is successfully working with specific regions, consider strengthening your presence in those areas.
Compare the total number and quality of links referring to your and competitor sites. Use link building to increase the number of links to your site.
Study the profile of your links and the competitor's for their naturalness. A large number of natural links may indicate quality content.
Examining competitor pages that attract many external links can help identify popular or valuable content that can be adapted for your own site.
Keyword clustering helps identify the main topics of the site and determine which queries attract the most visitors.
Find new keywords for your site by collecting competitor keywords and search suggestions.
Analyze a page for keywords and their weight. Optimize content to improve search rankings.

Technical SEO

Analytics systems
Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics

Statistics systems on the site take into account traffic, refusals, viewing depth and many other indicators. They help to track the effectiveness of promotion and advertising campaigns.

Updated 12/04/2018 10:51

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In-page SEO

Website Audit

Website scan not started.

Audit of website pages:

  • errors of pages responses;
  • see broken links;
  • problems with meta-tags.
Start crawl

Google PageSpeed Insights