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Updated 6 years ago

Domain score

  • 15 successful tests
  • 4 errors
  • 4 warnings

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Site-level parameters

Google Indexed
History data is found for this test!
Changes found in the history for 2 days. First date: Nov 2018.


It is impossible to know how many pages Google correctly indexed on the site. The search engine does not maintain a database by URLs.

The approximate number of pages in the search results will be shown by the site operator, which we rely on. The number can be distorted by pages that are banned from indexing in robots.txt, but hit the search results because of external links to them.

The “Indexing Status” section in Google Search Console will show a slightly more correct number, but this data can also be distorted by the filters’ application.

Updated 11/29/2018 08:15


Insufficient public data to display traffic information.

Technical SEO

Status Code
Successful resource request.
    200 OK
  • Successful resource request.

For successful indexing of the page by search bots, the HTTP response code of the server must be 200.

Additional Information:

  • [Checking the server response of the internal pages of the site](/tools/http-response/
  • List of status codes
Updated 11/29/2018 08:15
The site is not accessible via HTTPS.

For the promotion of commercial sites, the confidentiality of the exchange of information between the server and visitors is important. This increases the loyalty of potential customers to the resource, increases the level of trust, affects the conversion and growth of positions in the search results for almost all requests.

Updated 11/29/2018 08:15
WWW redirect
Redirection is configured.


Technically, domains with www and without www are two different resources; search engines index and rank them separately, and links will have different weights. This can lead to:

  • Decrease in search results
  • Filter, because a search engine may mistake one site for a duplicate of another;
  • Problems with authorization on the site and other functionality that uses cookies;

The problem is solved by a 301 redirect and an indication of the main mirror to the search engines. From the website promotion point of view, a domain without www is better, because it is not a third-level domain, and its length will always be shorter.

Updated 11/29/2018 08:15
HTML loading speed
3.25 sec - faster than 8% of tested sites.

Download speed directly affects behavioral factors: the faster the download, the fewer bounces. The Google robot visits slow sites less often. This affects the effectiveness of promotion, such sites are rarely indexed. Loading speed is one of the main factors in Google ranking.

Updated 11/29/2018 08:15
404 page response code

Received code 0, but should be 404.


While requesting a non-existent page, the server should return a 404 error which is"page not found."

If the server is set up incorrectly and a 200 error returns, then the page exists. In this case, search engines may index all pages of the site with errors.

Set up the site in such a way that while requesting non-existent pages a 404 response code "page not found" or a response code 410 "page deleted" appear.

Updated 11/29/2018 08:15
Link from 404 page
The link from the 404 page was not found.


During requesting a non-existent page, the server displays a standard page with a 404 error. For the users’ convenience we recommend making a unique 404 page and adding a backlink to the site on it.

Updated 11/29/2018 08:15
Analytics systems
Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics

Statistics systems on the site take into account traffic, refusals, viewing depth and many other indicators. They help to track the effectiveness of promotion and advertising campaigns.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
Technologies used on the site



Web servers

Web frameworks

Operating systems

Video players

Page Encoding

Encoding "UTF-8"


Due to incorrect encoding, site content may be displayed incorrectly. In addition to the fact that visitors will not like it, the site will not be indexed or will get under the search engines filter. We recommend using UTF-8 encoding to display the text on the site pages correctly. In some CMS, for example, Wordpress, files are written in this encoding, AJAX also supports only UTF-8.

Don't forget to include the encoding in your meta tags: <meta charset="UTF-8" />

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
Domain age
29 years
Young and new domains are poorly promoted in highly competitive topics. The history of the domain and site is also important. Old domains with a bad history are difficult to promote. Search engines love old, topical domains with a good history (no filters, spam, black SEO, etc.).
Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
Expiration Date
The domain was extended until 12/31/2019

Don't forget to prolong your domain name. It’s better to involve auto-renewal with your registrar. After the end of the domain registration, there is a chance to lose access to the domain.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
Server location
Search engines consider in what country server is located. Perfect situation when server is located in the same country with your target audience.
Updated 11/29/2018 08:15
Data center
Resilans AB

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In-page SEO

Website Audit

Website scan not started.

Audit of website pages:

  • errors of pages responses;
  • see broken links;
  • problems with meta-tags.
Start crawl
Meta Title

Sveriges akademikers centralorganisation - Saco

Length: 47 characters.


A webpage title is a headline of the webpage in search results. A title is one of the main indicators of relevance considered by search engines. The title must contain keywords but may not contain a website name as the crawler (search robot) already knows the domain name.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
Meta Description

Saco, Sveriges akademikers centralorganisation, driver akademikernas intressen. Genom opinionsbildning, egna studier och aktiviteter kämpar vi för att utbildning ska löna sig.

Length: 175 characters.

**Description: **

Description is a tag that is used to describe a page for a search engine crawler, users do not see it. It should describe the content of the page correctly, because search engines often use the text from the Description to compose a snippet. It is better to place the keywords to the top, the text should not be repeated in other parts of the page. In the page code, the tag is placed between <head> and </head>. The optimal text size in the Description tag is 150-300 symbols for Google and up to 160 symbols for Yandex. It does not influence on SEO directly, while CTR depends on a good description.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
H1: 1
H2: 7
H3: 8
H4: 15
H5: 4
H6: 0

Följ oss i sociala medier
Kontakta oss

The H1-H6 headers are responsible for the structure of the page's content. You need to highlight them in the layout to help the reader navigate the text. Headings are important for search engine promotion because search engines use them to determine what is on the page and how relevant it is. Arrange headers according to hierarchy and do not link to them.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
Text length

1,840 characters


The relevance of the content is more important than the length of the text for search engines. Choose the amount of text depending on the topic and purpose, focus on the competitors’ materials. The optimal text length is 1000-2000 words for two or three promoting keywords / phrases.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
Number of words

224 words

For search engines, content relevance is more important than text length. Choose the amount of text depending on the topic and purpose, focus on the materials of competitors. The optimal text length is 1000-2000 words for two or three promoted keywords/phrases.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
Keywords density (without stop words)

Keyword density is one of the qualitative indicators of text, it shows the frequency of repetition of words in a document. "Keyword stuffing" is equal to the proportion of repeated words to the entire volume of the text.

A high level of Keyword density is considered to be 8%. Such texts are often hard to read, they are spammed. The pages they are hosted on have a high percentage of failures. A site with a lot of texts with a high Keyword density may receive sanctions from search engines.

Normal Keyword density is 4-6%. Almost all classical literature has this level of Keyword density.

External links
17 links, of which are indexed Among them, 17 are indexed.


External links are the links from you to another site. Try not to refer to resources with incorrect information that do not relate to your topic, choose useful and authoritative ones. Do not put too many external outgoing links and do not post them on your homepage. Selling the links negatively affects promotion.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
Internal Links
78 links, of which are indexed Among them, 78 are indexed.


With the help of internal links, you can influence the weight redistribution between individual pages of the resource, referring to more significant sections or articles. This weight redistribution is called linking and is used as part of internal site optimization.

Internal links influence behavioral factors - they simplify navigation and help the user to get to the necessary section faster.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
Open Graph markup
Not found.


Open Graph was developed by Facebook specialists to make links to sites within the social network displayed nicely and be informative. Now Open Graph is supported by many social networks: Facebook, Twitter and messengers, for example, Telegram and Skype.

Why to use Open Graph?

  1. for user to see relevant text and image on the link preview
  2. to improve the behavioral factors of the site - a properly designed link makes more conversions
  3. to make link snippet look like an independent post on your personal page or in the community - you do not have to add a description and pictures.

You have to insert the Open Graph meta tags into the page code of the tag to get a beautiful site snippet.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49 markup

Not found.


Micro-markup is the semantic markup of website pages that structures data. It is based on injecting special attributes into the HTML code of the document. is a globally recognized standard that is recognized by the most popular search engines such as Google, Yandex, Yahoo and Bing.

Pros of micro-markup:

  1. The logical structure of the information on the page helps search engines retrieve and process data.
  2. Enhanced snippets on the search results page improves click-through rates.
Updated 11/22/2018 01:49
The site does not have a favicon.


To highlight your site, use the Favicon, a special image format that appears next to your site's address in the search engine and in the address bar.

To make browsers show your site’s icon, put it into your site’s root folder. You can assign different icons to individual pages.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49


Tweets — 6,718
Following — 3,566
Followers — 6,897
History data is found for this test!
Changes found in the history for 1 day. First date: Nov 2018.


Search engines eagerly index tweets. Links in tweets are also indexed, including indirect ones (for example, through services, etc.). At the same time, Twitter is indexed by fast robots. To have an impact on website promotion in Google a link from Twitter must be indexed by search engines.

Twitter helps to promote the site and speeds up its indexing.

Updated 11/22/2018 01:49

Google PageSpeed Insights