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Updated 4 years ago

Domain score

  • 14 successful tests
  • 6 errors
  • No warnings

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Site-level parameters

Google Indexed
History data is found for this test!
Changes found in the history for 1 day. First date: Dec 2020.


It is impossible to know how many pages Google correctly indexed on the site. The search engine does not maintain a database by URLs.

The approximate number of pages in the search results will be shown by the site operator, which we rely on. The number can be distorted by pages that are banned from indexing in robots.txt, but hit the search results because of external links to them.

The “Indexing Status” section in Google Search Console will show a slightly more correct number, but this data can also be distorted by the filters’ application.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
Google Safe Browsing
The site is secure.

Google scans websites to find infected resources, phishing pages, and other issues that degrade the search results and user experience. With this information, the search engine warns users about unsafe sites. If a site is deemed dangerous, Google might downgrade or remove it.

Additional Information:

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
PR-CY Rank

Rank — 21 / 100 


The button shows the current PR-CY rank indicator and allows you to quickly go to the analysis of the website.

PR-CY Rank
History data is found for this test!
Changes found in the history for 1 day. First date: Dec 2020.


PR-CY Rank is a rating for assessing the prospects of sites as donors for link building. We analyze traffic and trust parameters while forming the rating, as well as the link profile of the site.

Influence - the potential of the site's influence on promotion. If the influence is weak, then both the negative effect (if the rating is low) and positive (if the rating is high) will be weak, and vice versa. The influence potential is based on the size of the site's regular audience.

Link factor - calculation is based on the ratio of incoming and outgoing links to the site, values of Trust Rank, Domain Rank, etc.

Traffic factor - calculation is based on the volume and dynamics of traffic (negative dynamics spoils the rating, positive dynamics - increases).

Trust Factor - analyzes many parameters, such as "ICS", the part of search traffic in total traffic, adaptation for mobile devices and many other factors recognized by search engines as significant for ranking.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:18
Enable monitoring to identify and fix technical errors, track metrics, and receive timely notifications about issues.
Monitor site indexing. A decrease in the number of indexed pages may indicate technical issues on the site.
Daily check your site for viruses and its status in the banned sites registry to prevent exclusion from search.


Insufficient public data to display traffic information.
Consider attracting traffic from sources successfully used by your competitor but missing or underrepresented in your site.
Identify the most effective social platforms for your audience based on competitor data.
If the competitor is successfully working with specific regions, consider strengthening your presence in those areas.
Compare the total number and quality of links referring to your and competitor sites. Use link building to increase the number of links to your site.
Study the profile of your links and the competitor's for their naturalness. A large number of natural links may indicate quality content.
Examining competitor pages that attract many external links can help identify popular or valuable content that can be adapted for your own site.
Keyword clustering helps identify the main topics of the site and determine which queries attract the most visitors.
Find new keywords for your site by collecting competitor keywords and search suggestions.
Analyze a page for keywords and their weight. Optimize content to improve search rankings.

Technical SEO

Status Code
Successful resource request.
    200 OK
  • Successful resource request.

For successful indexing of the page by search bots, the HTTP response code of the server must be 200.

Additional Information:

  • [Checking the server response of the internal pages of the site](/tools/http-response/
  • List of status codes
Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
The robots.txt file was not found.


A robots.txt file is a list of restrictions for search robots or bots that visit a site and crawl information there. Before crawling and indexing your site, all robots go to the robots.txt file and look for rules.

The robots.txt file is located in the root catalogue of the site. It must be available on the URL:

There are several reasons to use a robots.txt file on your site:

  1. to remove duplicate content;
  2. to hide unwanted information;
  3. to limit the indexing speed.
Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
XML sitemap
Not found.


A Sitemap file is a file with information about the pages on the site to be indexed. With this file you can:

  • tell search engines which pages of your site need to be indexed;
  • find out how often the information on the pages is updated;
  • understand which pages are most important to index.

Additional Information:

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
The site is accessible via HTTPS. The certificate is valid until 03/12/2021.

For the promotion of commercial sites, the confidentiality of the exchange of information between the server and visitors is important. This increases the loyalty of potential customers to the resource, increases the level of trust, affects the conversion and growth of positions in the search results for almost all requests.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
WWW redirect
Not configured.


Technically, domains with www and without www are two different resources; search engines index and rank them separately, and links will have different weights. This can lead to:

  • Decrease in search results
  • Filter, because a search engine may mistake one site for a duplicate of another;
  • Problems with authorization on the site and other functionality that uses cookies;

The problem is solved by a 301 redirect and an indication of the main mirror to the search engines. From the website promotion point of view, a domain without www is better, because it is not a third-level domain, and its length will always be shorter.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
HTML loading speed
0.37 sec - faster than 76% of tested sites.

Download speed directly affects behavioral factors: the faster the download, the fewer bounces. The Google robot visits slow sites less often. This affects the effectiveness of promotion, such sites are rarely indexed. Loading speed is one of the main factors in Google ranking.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
404 page response code
Great, received code 404.


While requesting a non-existent page, the server should return a 404 error which is"page not found."

If the server is set up incorrectly and a 200 error returns, then the page exists. In this case, search engines may index all pages of the site with errors.

Set up the site in such a way that while requesting non-existent pages a 404 response code "page not found" or a response code 410 "page deleted" appear.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
Link from 404 page
The link from the 404 page was not found.


During requesting a non-existent page, the server displays a standard page with a 404 error. For the users’ convenience we recommend making a unique 404 page and adding a backlink to the site on it.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
IP History

We found 1 site with the same IP address.

IPFoundLostDomains domain. Upgrade Plan.

IP addresses ever found on the site. And also the sites that have the same IP address.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
Server location
Search engines consider in what country server is located. Perfect situation when server is located in the same country with your target audience.
Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
Data center
Check the response codes of the server and all site pages to ensure that pages load successfully and redirects are set up correctly.
Conduct regular checks to ensure your site is functioning correctly and is free from errors that could affect its visibility.

Sign up to see the full report.

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In-page SEO

Website Audit

Website scan not started.

Audit of website pages:

  • errors of pages responses;
  • see broken links;
  • problems with meta-tags.
Start crawl
HTML size
5 KB


The optimal page size is considered to be up to 100 KB after compression. Delete unnecessary elements and use gzip compression to reduce the size.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17

Google PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Desktop
100 / 100
Page loading speed
0.6 sec.
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
0 sec.
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
1.1 sec.
Time To Interactive (TTI)
0 sec.
Total Blocking Time (TBT)
0 ms.
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)


The service measures the speed of the site and analyzes the stages of the loading process. Stages correspond to LCP, CLS, FID and others that are included in the Core Web Vitals from Google: content rendering, response time to the first user action, layout displacement due to loading elements. By optimizing these steps, you can speed up loading times and make your site more user-friendly.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
PageSpeed Mobila
100 / 100
Page loading speed
1.6 sec.
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
0 sec.
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
4.4 sec.
Time To Interactive (TTI)
0 sec.
Total Blocking Time (TBT)
0 ms.
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)


Google is moving sites to mobile-first indexing, that is, it will primarily focus on the mobile display of the site. Download speed should meet standards on any device. The service analyzes the loading stages and compares the indicators with the Core Web Vitals parameter: the webmaster will be able to work on each stage and, due to this, improve the speed in general.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
Avoid Plugins
No plugins found.


Plug-ins help the browser process the special content, such as Flash, Silverlight or Java. Most mobile devices do not support plug-ins, which leads to many errors and security violations in browsers that provide this support. In this regard, many browsers restrict the work.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
Configure Viewport
Your pages do not have a viewport specified using the viewport tag.


Description for the viewport. This means that mobile devices will try to display them as on a PC, downscaling in proportion to the size of the screen. Specify the viewport tag so your site displays correctly on all devices.

The viewport determines how a web page is displayed on a mobile device. If not specified, the page width is assumed to be the PC standard and is reduced to fit on the screen. Thanks to the viewport, you can control the page width and its scaling on different devices.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
Image compression
Images are optimized.

Try to reduce the size of images to a minimum, it will speed up the loading of resources. The correct format and compression of images can reduce their size. Perform basic and advanced optimization on all images. As part of the basic optimization, trim unnecessary margins, reduce the color depth to the minimum acceptable value, remove comments and save images in an appropriate format. Basic optimization can be done using any image editing software.

The area of the screen
Page width exceeds the width of the screen, making users have to scroll it horizontally. Adapt content to screen area to make your site more convenient.

Users of PCs and mobile devices are used to perform vertical and not horizontal scrolling websites. If to view just the content you need to scroll the website horizontally or zoom out, it causes any inconvenience.

When developing the mobile site with a meta viewport tag, you will have to position the content so that it will not fit into the specified viewport. For example, if the image is wider than the viewport, there may be a need for horizontal scrolling. To avoid this, you need to change the content so that it entirely fits.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
The screenshot of the website on your smartphone

Website design for mobile phones solves two problems: it provides users with a comfortable viewing of the site from any device and has a positive effect on the search ranking of the site.

Check that your site displays correctly on mobile devices.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
Unused CSS
Everything is fine with the styles on the page.
Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
Font sizes
Some visitors will find it difficult to read the text on your site.

'One of the most common problems of reading of sites on mobile devices is too small font size. Have constant to scale the website to read small text, and it is very annoying. Even if the site has a mobile version or adaptive design, the problem of poor readability due to small font are not uncommon.

Use legible font sizes to make your site more convenient.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
Your browser cache
Caching is configured correctly..

Due to the cache users re visiting your website, spend less time on loading pages. Caching headers should apply to all cached static resources.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17
Minify Resources
Static resources (html, js, css) are minified.


The resource size can be reduced by removing unnecessary page elements such as extra spaces, line breaks, and indentation. By minifying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can speed up page loading, parsing, and rendering.

Updated 12/25/2020 10:17