List of technologies in the Personalisation
- 4-Tell
- 6sense
- Acquia Personalization
- Actito
- Adobe Target
- Apptus
- Attentive
- Attraqt
- Barilliance
- Beyable
- Blueknow
- Bold Commerce
- BrainSINS
- Breinify
- BySide
- Clinch
- Combeenation
- Connectif
- Coveo
- Cross Sell
- Customily
- Cxense
- Demandbase
- Depict
- Drapr
- Dynamic Yield
- Fanplayr
- Findify
- Findmeashoe
- Fit Analytics
- HulkApps Infinite Product Options
- iGoDigital
- Jivox
- Justuno
- Kibo Personalization
- Kiwi Sizing
- LimeSpot
- Linx Impulse
- Loop54
- Miso
- Movable Ink
- Nosto
- Nuqlium
- Obviyo
- Optimizely
- Oracle Maxymiser
- PersonaClick
- Personizely
- Perzonalization
- Piano
- Poloriz
- Potions
- Prediggo
- Printful
- Product Personalizer
- Qstomizer
- Qubit
- Raptor
- Rebuy
- RecoverMyCart
- Reelevant
- Reflektion
- Relewise
- Retail Rocket
- RevLifter
- Revieve
- RichRelevance
- Rokt
- Sailthru
- SaleCycle
- SalesFire
- Salesforce Interaction Studio
- Sizebay
- StrutFit
- Syndeca
- Syte
- Target2Sell
- The Hotels Network
- Trbo
- Triggerbee
- True Fit
- Twik
- Unbxd
- Usizy
- uMarketingSuite
- VerifyPass
- Virtusize
- Visely
- Wair
- WebEngage
- Worldz
- XGen Ai
- Yieldify
- Zakeke
- Zakeke Interactive Product Designer
- Zakeke Visual Customizer
- Zoho PageSense
- Karte
- Monetate