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Readability analysis of text according to Zipf's

Our service allows you to assess the readability of any page on your website using Zipf's. This unique feature helps you determine how natural your text feels. A higher percentage in the results indicates a more ideal page, with over 50% being a good level of naturalness.

Zipf's Law states that in any given text, if you rank words by how frequently they appear, the frequency of the nth word is inversely proportional to its rank. For example, the second most common word appears half as often as the most common, the third one-third as often, and so on.

Purpose of Text Analysis

This analysis serves to ensure the naturalness and readability of your text. It's crucial to write in a way that's both understandable and engaging for human readers, not just machines. Key metrics like 'nausea' and 'density' are measured to assess text quality. This tool is particularly beneficial for copywriters, allowing them to refine their content before submission.

Additionally, the analysis helps in optimizing keyword usage by indicating where adjustments are needed.

A significant aspect of this tool is its ability to display the naturalness level of a website, expressed in percentages. Higher percentages indicate a more favorable view by search engines, suggesting less spam and more quality content. A score of 50% or above is considered decent, but aiming for 100% is ideal for optimal results.