1. Tools
  2. /
  3. Percentage of one number from another

Percentage of one number from another

To find out what percentage one number is of another, use our free online calculator. It uses the formula: First number / Second number * 100%.
First number
Second number

How does the tool work?

Our free online calculator helps you find out what percentage one number is of another. This tool is especially useful for students, accountants, and anyone who works with numbers.

How does it work?

The calculator uses a simple formula:

First number / Second number * 100%

Example of use

If you want to find out what percentage 50 is of 200, just enter these numbers into the calculator, and it will instantly show the result:

50 / 200 * 100% = 25%


  • Quick and convenient: Get results in seconds.
  • Accuracy: The calculator ensures high accuracy in calculations.
  • Accessibility: Use it anytime and anywhere.

Try our calculator right now and simplify your calculations!