1. Tools
  2. /
  3. PR-CY Rank counter
The tool is designed to assess the prospects of sites as donors for link building, applying a comprehensive analysis of various traffic, trust, and link parameters.

PR-CY Rank includes

  1. Potential impact of the site on promotion: based on the size of the site's permanent audience, assessing its ability to cause both negative and positive effects on promotion.
  2. Link factor: calculated based on the ratio of incoming and outgoing links to the site, values of Trust Rank, Domain Rank, etc.
  3. Traffic factor: assesses the volume and dynamics of traffic, taking into account the impact of negative and positive dynamics on the overall site rating.
  4. Trust factor: analyzes a multitude of parameters, including 'IC', the share of search traffic in total traffic, adaptation of the site for mobile devices, and many other factors recognized by search engines as significant for ranking.

Use our tool to determine how great the potential of your site is as a donor for link building, and improve your online promotion strategy.

API Documentation for PR-CY Rank

The PR-CY Rank API allows you to get information about the site's rank. The site rank is based on various parameters, including the trust factor, link factor, traffic factor, and overall site assessment.


GET https://s.pr-cy.ru/analysis/rank/domain

Where domain is the domain of the site you want to analyze.


The response returns a JSON object with the following fields:

  • prcyRankTrustFactor: The trust factor of the site, which can be "high", "medium", or "low". This is an assessment of the trustworthiness of the site.

  • prcyRankLinksFactor: The link factor of the site, which can be "high", "medium", or "low". This is an assessment of the site's link profile.

  • prcyRankTrafficFactor: The traffic factor of the site, which can be "high", "medium", or "low". This is an assessment of the site's traffic.

  • prcyGrade: The site's grade in a range from 1 to 5.

  • prcyRankTotal: The overall rank of the site.

  • updated: The date and time of the last data update in ISO 8601 format.


The API may return errors in the following cases:

  • If the domain is not specified or is incorrect.
  • If the server cannot process the request for technical reasons.

Each error contains an error message that helps understand the cause of the error.


The API may have limitations on the number of requests per unit of time.